Feldehim Revival IX
Feldheim readers welcome.
Wade through the clouds of pretentiousness and bathe in that all-encompassing odor known as elitism. Due to the relative inactivity (besides Angela) after our year-end extravaganza, I will be posting, and reviewing not one, nay two, nicht three, but four (motherfucking) albums. The theme of the reviews will be hyphens-and I will try to incorrectly and in-adequately use hyphens pervasively--
I will also review these albums based on degrees of awesomeness (starting with most awesome-). Always - remember, we Feldheimers-like to rank things that shouldn't be ranked.
They will,- as always, be completely lacking in humility and timorousness.
Panda Bear – Person Pitch

Panda Bear (aka Portugese Welcome Monster aka hey, he's that fucking guy from Animal Collective, I had no idea ----- aka Noah Lennox) has released a masterpiece while his bandmate and bandmate's wife (Avey & Kria) have been listening to their shit backwards. Well, this shit plays forwards, and it is just oozing with good-ness. Using a pair of 404's and a multitude of other instruments, Panda Bear focuses on creating a unique sonic environment for the listener to drown himself in. Think Beach Boys but better, and newer. The oh-so sweet melodies remind you of what P-B brings to the A-C, but this deserves it-s own attention and it's own respect. A truly im-pressive work, a truly impressive animal.
Andrew "Birdman" Bird – Armchair Apocrypha

The Bird-man hit us with his mysterious production of eggs last time around and I was very anxious to see what shit would land my way this time around. For those of you unfamiliar with Andrew-Bird, go back and read the Feld--heim or just go download/buy the masterpiece itself.
Andrew Bird is one of the premier musical talents of our generation. The man can sing, whistle- play violin, guitar, and he is a master with the loop pedals. See him live, it is humbling. Armchair is another strong move forward in this former nut zippers career. At the same time, it is not nearly as powerful and a-m-a-z-i-n-g as Mysterious. The Birdman finds himself dabbling in the genre of "Adult Contemporary" – but fuck genre's, he still brings the good-ness, and you should give it a listen. Truly wonderful stuff here.
Note: Project Moonshine is currently in post production for their Andrew Bird project.
A Sunny Day In Glasgow – Scribble Mural Comic Journal

I'm always hesitant with that shoegaze sound. Of course we have My Bloody Valentine, and Sonic Youth, but I just feel like most of the sho-egazers out there take up space for the sole purpose of taking up space. Not ASDIG.
This sib-ling group is actually from Phil-a-delphia, and this album is actually really fucking good.
Also, 5:15 Train is one of the best songs released this year. SHOEGAZERS OF THE WORLD REJOICE!!
Small Sails – Similar Anniversaries

Smiling? Small Sails wants you to smile. This-one goes out to all the meth-heads in Port-land (the land of Small Sails). Smile my friends. Listen to the electronic pop goodness and smile. So many vocals, so few words. Such great sounds, fuck the great heights. Small-Sails should probably be higher up on this list, but lists are arbitary and irrelevant, and comments like these are ironic - so in the end just listen to what you want and I can go to hell.-
Menomena - Friend and Foe

Portland continues its presence on my arbitrary list. So many great bands are currently making music in Portland that I would almost consider moving there just to be able to say "Yeah-, I used to hang out with _______ back in the day, they're cool guys, real down to earth and shit, yeah, oh, yeah, he plays a tele, but he switched up the pickups....yeah....I mean he's not a tone freak or anything, but he knows his shit." Totally awesome dudes with a penchant for flavor - Menomena is one of the funnest bands around. This being said, their previous album is better and the less vocals the better.
More organ though---.
Until next time.......

Wade through the clouds of pretentiousness and bathe in that all-encompassing odor known as elitism. Due to the relative inactivity (besides Angela) after our year-end extravaganza, I will be posting, and reviewing not one, nay two, nicht three, but four (motherfucking) albums. The theme of the reviews will be hyphens-and I will try to incorrectly and in-adequately use hyphens pervasively--
I will also review these albums based on degrees of awesomeness (starting with most awesome-). Always - remember, we Feldheimers-like to rank things that shouldn't be ranked.
They will,- as always, be completely lacking in humility and timorousness.
Panda Bear – Person Pitch

Panda Bear (aka Portugese Welcome Monster aka hey, he's that fucking guy from Animal Collective, I had no idea ----- aka Noah Lennox) has released a masterpiece while his bandmate and bandmate's wife (Avey & Kria) have been listening to their shit backwards. Well, this shit plays forwards, and it is just oozing with good-ness. Using a pair of 404's and a multitude of other instruments, Panda Bear focuses on creating a unique sonic environment for the listener to drown himself in. Think Beach Boys but better, and newer. The oh-so sweet melodies remind you of what P-B brings to the A-C, but this deserves it-s own attention and it's own respect. A truly im-pressive work, a truly impressive animal.
Andrew "Birdman" Bird – Armchair Apocrypha

The Bird-man hit us with his mysterious production of eggs last time around and I was very anxious to see what shit would land my way this time around. For those of you unfamiliar with Andrew-Bird, go back and read the Feld--heim or just go download/buy the masterpiece itself.
Andrew Bird is one of the premier musical talents of our generation. The man can sing, whistle- play violin, guitar, and he is a master with the loop pedals. See him live, it is humbling. Armchair is another strong move forward in this former nut zippers career. At the same time, it is not nearly as powerful and a-m-a-z-i-n-g as Mysterious. The Birdman finds himself dabbling in the genre of "Adult Contemporary" – but fuck genre's, he still brings the good-ness, and you should give it a listen. Truly wonderful stuff here.
Note: Project Moonshine is currently in post production for their Andrew Bird project.
A Sunny Day In Glasgow – Scribble Mural Comic Journal

I'm always hesitant with that shoegaze sound. Of course we have My Bloody Valentine, and Sonic Youth, but I just feel like most of the sho-egazers out there take up space for the sole purpose of taking up space. Not ASDIG.
This sib-ling group is actually from Phil-a-delphia, and this album is actually really fucking good.
Also, 5:15 Train is one of the best songs released this year. SHOEGAZERS OF THE WORLD REJOICE!!
Small Sails – Similar Anniversaries

Smiling? Small Sails wants you to smile. This-one goes out to all the meth-heads in Port-land (the land of Small Sails). Smile my friends. Listen to the electronic pop goodness and smile. So many vocals, so few words. Such great sounds, fuck the great heights. Small-Sails should probably be higher up on this list, but lists are arbitary and irrelevant, and comments like these are ironic - so in the end just listen to what you want and I can go to hell.-
Menomena - Friend and Foe

Portland continues its presence on my arbitrary list. So many great bands are currently making music in Portland that I would almost consider moving there just to be able to say "Yeah-, I used to hang out with _______ back in the day, they're cool guys, real down to earth and shit, yeah, oh, yeah, he plays a tele, but he switched up the pickups....yeah....I mean he's not a tone freak or anything, but he knows his shit." Totally awesome dudes with a penchant for flavor - Menomena is one of the funnest bands around. This being said, their previous album is better and the less vocals the better.
More organ though---.
Until next time.......
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