Say Anything: ...Is a Real Boy

Yeah. That's right. Pop punk. When did it become derogatory? Wasn't Green Day pop punk? Dookie was as full of hooks, vocal harmonies and syrupy bass fills as any third eye blind or matchbox 20 album. It's just that Green Day's songs were, uh, good. I suppose their non chalance in calling their album "poo," helped them out a bit.

I think we have Blink-182 to thank for derogating 'pop punk.' Despite their penchant for brilliantly filthy album titles, Thanks to their efforts—or lack thereof—I will manually change the genre 'Pop Punk' when it DLs from the CDDB database. Blink achieved a status near that of the Backstreet Boys. Naked, instrument playing Backstreet Boys, but boy band nonetheless. Following their demise, they brought us the onslaught of crap that now passes as punk to the Hot Topic generation. There's no emotion, no vigor, no character.
Nothing like buying your rebellion at the mall.

Lead singer Max Bemis evokes a young Tim Kasher, unfortunately without the range, but he's definitely doing his own thing, not singing.... well, just that, not singing at all. He's almost chanting through verses with a monotone slur reminscent of Craig Finn, but with more swagger and lyrical style.

With all the production there's still a youthful energy over the distortion. Couple it with track upon track of noise laden harmony resulting in catchy hooks.
It's like the sorority girl found out all those brownies were fat free.
And were baked with a 1/4 of dank buds.
I also think that "Say Anything" might single-handedly be the greatest "Lonely-Female-Binge-Eating" movie of all time, narrowly beating out "Notting Hill," "Sleepless in Seattle," "Bridget Jones Diary," and the "Ya Ya Sisterhood" movie. The cinematic sap-fest oozes loneliness, isolation, and the contradictions that come with being misunderstood from every frame. Every girl is looking for her Lloyd Dobbler, but while the movie is playing she hopes she will find him at the bottom of their Ben and Jerry's container. Dude, John Cusack stood outside with a boombox over his head playing "In Your Eyes."
Oh why are Americans so obese? Because of Peter fucking Gabriel that's why.
Kick Boxing -- Sport of the future
Peter Fucking Gabriel!!!!
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