Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Out of Control

Apologies for the delay in posting. I had to put my Feldheim responsibilities on hold for a bit in order to met some deadlines in the name of the Minnesota's 4th Judicial District and the Journal of Law and Inequality. But enough excuses right. I hereby present you with Mad Professor - The Inspirational Sounds of Mad Professor.

Although he's been around for ages I first discovered mad professor a couple of weeks ago when a friend of mine lend me a CD full of new music for me. I've never been one to listen to a lot of reggae and I've never had strong feelings about reggae either. Besides the classic Marley albums and such I just wasn't exposed to it and never really went looking for it. Needless to say I'll listen to anything once as I'm always one to be open minded about new music. I've always considers myself to be somewhat of a mad scientist so I was drawn to trying out Mad Professor. This album has got some great beats and I've been enjoying it as the back drop to my study efforts. I encourage you all to give it a listen.


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