Friday, October 13, 2006
iTunes Stats

Jafar: 6980 songs, 21.4 days, 48.60 GB
Angela: 10,772 songs, 30.01 days, 54.61 GB
Screech: 7374 songs, 22.1 days, 37.2 GB
Biff: 5076 songs, 15.2 days, 23.56 GB
Toonces: 4099 songs, 11.2 days, 20.45 GB
Blossom: 7728 songs, 23.3 days, 36.02 GB
Feldheim: 42,029 songs, 123.21 days, 220.44 GB
Feldheim is a collaborative forum from an informal guild of Ivy League sound aficionados. We represent eclecticism, mastery, and above all, elitism coupled with self deprecating humour.
Taste is Not an Arbitrary Measure.
The Back Log
- Band Name Origins
- Herman Dune Is Awesome
- Out of Control
- Best Music in Movies?
- Album Artwork: Shockingly Revisted, Now with Boobies
- Battle of the Album Covers
- Fire At Will...
- White Pony: Disc Two
- Happy Yom Kippur
- Joanna Newsom - YS
You are not good enough for Feldheim.
There comes that depressing transition in every man's life when you stop wet-dreaming about women older than you and start fantasizing about girls younger than you. The weird thing about Scarface (she lets me call her that... you're not allowed to though) is that she is the first woman younger than I am who I think about in a mature way. I don't JUST want to objectify and embarass her, but to place her on a pedastal and introduce her to my parents and stuff. I guess Bob and I share that in common; although he has a much better chance of banging her than I do.
Who were your dream women as a horny adolescent? That question goes for you too Toonces.
I cannot wait until I'm a dirty old man and can get away with saying out loud much of my currently repressed thoughts.
the license plate in that video -- it's from Minnesota. You know what else Bob Dylan got his start at a little club only 2 blocks from where I live. Does MN sound cool enough for you to come visit me yet?
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