First Guest Feldheim Post

Saw this on TinyMixTapes and wanted to share. It's posted by can:
Steve Irwin, I Wish You Could Have Seen This: Animal Collective Tour Australia
This is your brain:
Why has everyone started to like all my favorite bands? Is it because they're too "accessible"? Are their T-shirts that cool? Were they on some magazine cover? Are they on the internet? Am I out of the loop? Shitttttttttt. Maybe I should trade in these Converse for some more obscure shoes. Like some skater shoes. Yeahhhh... And maybe I'll sell this band shirt for some sweet used shirt. Or something striped. And tight. Maybe flannel. Shit, my parents didn't give me enough money for clothes AND records this week. Fuck. God I love fist-pumping. I'm so hardcore. Feedback gets me off. Noise better not go anymore mainstream or I'll have to start listening to silence again. Or those '50s girl-pop bands. I can't stand going to a huge venue for a band that I knew about when they were still playing five-dollar clubs. Fuck them for not coming to my hometown. Promotion for shows is lame. Touring sucks. Recording is so passé. DIY man. It's the postmodern no-wave. Since when are shows fashion shows? I don't think about what I'm going to wear for when I go out. I just pick whatever filthy, ragged, inconspicuous, random-ass piece of clothing with holes in it to wear because I'm lazy. I wish my parents would give me more fucking money.
This is your brain on drugs:
Dude, since when do people in Australia listen to Animal Collective? What's that about the toilets there? You see different stars, you say? The winter is in the summer? The moon is on its side? 18+ shows?! What the fuckkkkkkkk? Come back to America, Animals, where the grass is green and the ladies fair. Where crickets chirp late and people won't stare.
Stop bringing your camera to shows:
11.03.06 – Brisbane, Australia – The Zoo (18+)
11.04.06 – Sydney Australia – Newtown (18+)
11.06.06 – Melbourne, Australia – The Corner Hotel (18+)
11.08.06 – Auckland, New Zealand – Kings Arm
11.09.06 – Wellington, New Zealand – Indigo Bar
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