Just incase I don't pass the bar exam on the 3rd try

I'm thinking of marking the begining of my career as a DJ with the purchase of the IDJ2
what do you all think of me going the digital rout? I'm conflicted because while less authentic, despite this summer's job I'm not exactly in the position to invest 2 grand in a mixer and tables, and then go onto get a record collection. Thus it seems like a good place to start.
Ah, very interesting question my dear Toonces. I would say that your decision to buy the turntables (or its digital equivalent) should be based completely on your musical aspirations. As any DJ will tell you, there is a big difference between learning to scratch and mix actual wax records, and playing around with CD's and Mp3's. However, whereas it is a pain in the ass to learn the turntables, buy all the vinyl, etc., it is completely important because an analog DJ who doesn't know how to mix properly is like a Jewish dude without financial acumen and who doesn't love his mother - sad and worthless. If you just want to make ill mixes, the digital route is easier, cheaper, and gives you more room for error. Plus, a few of my DJ friends started digital before moving to analog later.
However, in my opinion, there is nothing hotter than a chick with turntables and records. It's like getting passed on the freeway by a woman in a Ford F-150 listening to George Thorogood. You want to say something, but you are too jealous and immasculated and so you turn up the Sufjan Stevens playing from the factory installed CD player in your 2004 Toyota Corolla and resist honking the horn (which somehow the Corolla has a more pussy horn than the 2000 Suburu Outback, whose horn sounded like hitting a gay dude in the stomach after a big meal of Texas barbecue).
Yet I digress, Toonces, I say go big or go home... go for the turntables. You are going to be a big-shot lawyer soon making tons of cash, so I think that you won't have too much of a problem throwing down. If you don't buy the Technics now, you are going to want to buy them later... except you will have less free time to play around and learn the tables when you are writing dipositions and doing key-bumps of cocaine in the company bathroom after a long case. I would buy them now, learn now while you have the time, and then spend your free time as a lawyer going to buy vinyl to fill out the collection, which will inevitably take time to do.
But then again, I drive a Corolla with a pussy horn and still think that Reason 2.5 is the be-all, end-all program for musical composition.
If you don't buy it, not only will I be utterly dissapointed, but I will campaign for your removal from the Feldheim.
Why such drastic measures?
Because I have never purchased a musical instrument and regretted it. NEVER.
Plus, I know how much money your making.
This way you can put up some Toonces Mixes on the Feldheim. It will be goodness all around.
Not only do you owe it to yourself, you owe it to the FELDHEIM.
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