Friday, July 14, 2006
iTunes Stats

Jafar: 6980 songs, 21.4 days, 48.60 GB
Angela: 10,772 songs, 30.01 days, 54.61 GB
Screech: 7374 songs, 22.1 days, 37.2 GB
Biff: 5076 songs, 15.2 days, 23.56 GB
Toonces: 4099 songs, 11.2 days, 20.45 GB
Blossom: 7728 songs, 23.3 days, 36.02 GB
Feldheim: 42,029 songs, 123.21 days, 220.44 GB
Feldheim is a collaborative forum from an informal guild of Ivy League sound aficionados. We represent eclecticism, mastery, and above all, elitism coupled with self deprecating humour.
Taste is Not an Arbitrary Measure.
The Back Log
- REBUTTAL: No Lunchbox......Hipsters and Hippies do...
- Two from the Seventies
- Indie-Rock Hypothesis
You are not good enough for Feldheim.
1) I am not a man. 2) i don't think comments posted by the author of a blog posting should count towards the comment tally. 3)what's with all the profanity? 4)Jafar, I dont like the argumentative tone of your posts. It suggests you've done nothing but calously dismiss our contributions because they might be contoversal or contrary to your own opinions. I think such an attidude is contrary to the spirit of the feldheim. Please don't go off on me and say that my observations are baseless and are instead a function of me beeing a brat or senitive or PMS or some other girly thing that makes me not as good as you. I have no problem with us disagreeing, but i do have a problem with us being disrespectful when we do it. 5) is eddie veder really short? 6) The song Jeremy is on the very first mix tape i made.
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